What to Expect From a Buddhist and Taoist Funeral Service 

March 14, 2024
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Singapore is a multicultural society that has many different religions. Each has their own rites and rituals, making Singapore a melting pot of cultures. In this diverse landscape, a Taoist and Buddhist funeral service hold significant cultural and spiritual importance. 

More than half the population are Chinese with both Buddhism and Taoism having deep roots in its culture. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Buddhist and Taoist funeral services are prevailing throughout Singapore.

Here’s what you can expect from a Taoist and Buddhist funeral service:

Rituals and Ceremonies

Both Buddhist and Taoist funeral services involve a series of rituals and ceremonies. They represent an important aspect of honouring the deceased and guiding their spirit into the afterlife. 

These rituals include chanting by monks and priests, offering of incense, prayers and symbolic gestures. 

Ancestor Worship

Central to both Buddhism and Taoism is the concept of ancestor worship. During the funeral service, family members may pay homage by offering foods, drinks and other items. 

These items are necessary for the journey of the soul, representing a sense of respect and gratitude towards one’s ancestors. This practice also serves as a way to honour and remember the deceased by providing spiritual support to their family and loved ones.

Funeral Procession

A traditional funeral procession is often a dignified event in both Buddhism and Taoism. The deceased is typically carried in a casket, with mourners following behind as a sign of respect. 

The procession may proceed to a burial site or crematorium, where more rituals will take place.

Duration of the Service

The duration of these funeral services vary depending on cultural customs and family preferences. Some services may last for several days, allowing family members and friends to pay their respects. 

A Buddhist funeral service can even last up to 100 days! While a Taoist funeral typically lasts for an odd number of days – usually 3 to 7.

Cultural Customs

Both Taoist and Buddhist funeral services may incorporate cultural customs and traditions specific to the region or community. 

These customs include the attire worn by mourners, the music played during the service, and the types of offerings made. They serve to honour the memory of the departed and provide comfort to the grieving family.


Many of these rituals and ceremonies are rich in symbolism. For example, the burning of incense symbolises the purification of the soul. The offering of food represents sustenance for the departed soul. 

And the colour red should be avoided due to its association with joy. Understanding the symbolism adds depth to the experience and reinforces the spiritual significance of the rituals.

The Difference Between a Buddhist and Taoist Funeral Service

While these religions share many similarities, there are certain elements that set them apart. They often blur the line between one another but it’s important to understand their differences. The main contrast lies in the philosophical approach of these two religions. 

Both believe in reincarnation but there are differences in their interpretations and practices. In Buddhism, the cycle of rebirth (samsara) is central with the ultimate goal to achieve enlightenment.

Buddhist funeral rites focus on achieving rebirth through prayers and merit-making. On the other hand, Taoism emphasises the concept of immortality and harmony with the Tao

Taoist funeral rituals often involve ceremonies aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for the soul into the afterlife realm. All in all, Buddhism is about achieving enlightenment while Taoism focuses on maintaining harmony with the cosmos. 


Both Buddhism and Taoism are compounded in Chinese beliefs. They represent an important aspect of the culture, going beyond religious values. They are a way of life that share a lot of similarities but also vastly different philosophies. 

Ultimately, the coexistence of Buddhism and Taoism funerals underscores the dynamic nature of Singaporean culture. 

Head over our website or contact us to find out more! 

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